A dental examination is a process that analyzes a patient’s oral health. It consists of two parts, the extraoral inspection and the intraoral inspection.
That are outside the mouth, but that can influence oral health. The intraoral phase analyzes both the internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth.
Extraoral examination
One of the first issues we take into account are facial asymmetries and changes in skin color that could have occurred in areas near the mouth. The profile study is especially relevant in people with orthodontics.
Next, an examination is carried out in the submandibular area and neck, to detect inflammation in these areas. Palpation is also performed in the Temporo-Mandibular joint, in the area adjacent to the entrance to the ear.
In the extraoral examination we analyze parts
Intraoral examination
The previous examination allows us to rule out inflammation and other ailments reflected in areas outside the mouth. Once performed, and if no symptoms have calling lists been detected, the intradental examination is carried out.
The areas that are analyzed are the tissues and teeth, in this way we can determine the state of the patient’s oral health.
When exploring the tissues and extradental areas, we analyze the tongue, the floor of the mouth, palate and labial mucosa. It is essential to perform a clinical analysis of these parts of the mouth, since many of the most common oral ailments originate in these areas.
Dental examination with Clinic Cloud
Next, we carry out an exhaustive analysis of the teeth, in what will be the most important phase of the dental examination. To begin, we will use an examination probe, an intraoral mirror and an angled tweezer.
While we carry out the examination, we use an odontogram. In which we review previous examinations and reflect the conclusions of the examination, piece by piece. If necessary, complementary tests such as x-rays or biopsies can be performed.
At Clinic Cloud we give you the opportunity to work with a personalized odontogram for each of your patients with our dental software. This information is stored confidentially in the cloud.
This dental clinical history is basic to be able to know the Fresco Data evolution of the patient and the treatment established in previous consultations. Thanks to Clinic Cloud, all diagnoses related to a patient can be evaluated and modified at any time.