The world is upside down Customer reviews are key. We could simply observe the number of sales and consider that since they buy, they are satisfied. But this is ignoring that the world is changing, that innovations are constantly emerging and imposing themselves and that behaviors can change depending on the circumstances and that a crisis can completely upset all the models in place. Although the arrival of the Internet in everyday business activity has greatly changed uses and habits, it is clear that the number one objective for all businesses remains the need to always have more customers. Building a community around your business The best trick for soliciting feedback from your customers is one that many businesses are already using: creating a real community around your business.
With the Emergence of Social Networks
Everyday Internet users like to have the feeling of being part of a community in their own right, of a group of people gathered around the same center of interest. You only have to look at Danone to understand what exactly this solution consists of. Before the launch of a new product in Latvia phone number list Danette range, Danone calls on its community on the Internet (social networks, websites, community blogs). Order to to learn about the desire of Internet users as to the next flavor of the dessert cream to be release. And it is clear that it works: the company’s results continue to increase, year after year. A success that is largely due to taking into account the opinion of current customers and potential customers who are thus led to taste and buy the brand’s products.
Setting Up a Feedback System
Another solution that you can implement to solicit the opinion of your customers: the establishment of a feedback system with your current customers. The idea is simple: after each purchase, the customer receives on his mailbox or on his phone (contact details that you will need to obtain beforehand), the Fresco Data of giving his opinion on the product or service purchased. Thus, you benefit from an immediate return from your customers in order to improve the points of dissatisfaction and to find an answer adapted to your customer, entirely personalized. And to further encourage your customers to make this return after purchase from your services, do not hesitate to set up a contribution system.