You misunderstood them! When foreigners say

You’re being offensive. You’re being aggressive. (compliment)

You’re offensive. You’re offensive. (Criticism)


You’re being silly. Don’t say stupid things/do stupid things. (Comfort)

Yupid. (criticism)


The two situations above are just

a matter of one word, “being”, but the meanings they convey are completely different. “Being” is talking about someone’s “temporary situation at that moment”; without “being”, it is like directly criticizing someone’s characteristics.

For example, in the first group of cases, “offensive” itself means that the other person is annoying, annoying, or even aggressive, similar to “aggressive”. But saying “being offensive” is like saying that someone is only temporarily aggressive,which means “you are very positive”; without “being”, it is like saying that the person’s personality is always veroffensive”. The same is true for the second group of cases.


In addition to “being”, the following situations Bahrain Phone Numbers List are also the same. A slight difference can lead to a huge mistake.

Phone Number List

This sentence is often heard in

American movies and TV shows. But without “any”, the Belgium Phone Number List meaning becomes very funny: “He doesn’t even give me a shit” is complaining about not giving me anything.

Also, if the other person says “He didn’t give a shit”, the meaning will change to “He didn’t give a shit”.


3. When you encounter neust look it up in a dictionary. (O)

Without “it”, there is only “look up”, and the meaning becomes “look up” or “improve”.

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