Add the information necessary for whoever receives your business card to identify you or your business, and what services you provide. It is essential that you add items such as: Your name or the name of your Business; Personal photo (if the card is personal or freelancer); Your Profession or Market Niche; Your Company logo. Choose and Add your Digital Business Card button icons Button icons are the most important elements of your business card. You need to use icons that are compatible with the links you are going to add. That’s why I recommended that you choose the links first.
But it’s very simple. If you are going to use a
Link to Youtube, just place the Youtube icon, the same goes for any other social media. If you place a link to a website, use something that communicates that that button is a link to a website, choose something like an icon with a “www” or a “globe”, finally something that represents the Internet and websites. You can get these icons on Canva itself, if you don’t find the icon you Bulk SMS China want, or if you prefer something a little more different, look on sites like Flat Icon or Freepik, you’ll find a much larger variety of icons. Add links to interactive digital business card buttons Not only will your business card be Digital, it will also be interactive, so it’s important that you place the links on the buttons and icons you’ve added to your interactive card.
Once you’ve customized your entire business
Card, just add each link to its respective button. To add the link to the buttons, select the Element and in the top menu, you will find a chain icon, which by clicking on it will allow you to add the link to the element. Save your Interactive Business Card as a PDF This is the last step in finalizing Fresco Data your business card, but it is no less important. When you finish customizing and have added the links, you need to save your business card as a PDF. This is very important, because if you save it as an image (PNG or JPEG) your interactive card will NOT work. Therefore, save your Card as a PDF. Also, the PDF format is very accessible and can be opened from any device.