Online Payments for E-Commerce

There are many payment service providers (PSPs), either bank-affiliated or independent, to accept payments online. Online payment represents a decisive step in the user’s purchasing journey since many online purchases do not go through when the consumer has arrived on the payment page. The reasons for these abandonments are often the same: the payment did not work, the preferred payment method was not offered or the payment procedure proved to be too complicated. It is easy to understand that the payment method must meet two prerequisites: be easy to use and be the most popular method with your customers.

The Benefits of an Online Payment Solution

In France. For example. Buyers prefer bank cards but other means of payment are also appreciated. Such as electronic wallets and payment solutions in installments. The benefits of an online payment solution An efficient online payment solution not only allows you to accept payments. But also Slovenia phone number list your performance and reduces your risk of fraud. Authentication with the 3D Secure security system. Now mandatory with the Payment Services Directive 2. Allows you to reassure your customers and check that the use of the card was not fraudulent. However. To maintain a smooth customer journey. Your online payment solution can help you obtain exemptions from this strong authentication.

Phone Number List

A Solution Attached to a Bank or an Independent Solution

In addition. Ideally your payment page should be customizable so that your customer is sure to be on a page of your website. An online payment solution such as Dalenys can offer you to adapt the payment page to your brand colors. Finally. The presence of a payment management back office Fresco Data strongly recommended as well as an after-sales service which proves to be a good selection criterion. A solution attached to a bank or an independent solution In France. There are payment solutions offered by the major banks. And other independent ones. Whatever your choice. The elements to check are its ability to offer you the benefits in the fight against fraud. With good control of payment data. And a good customer experience.

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