The Customer Buying Journey the Business Challenge

For professionals, this new situation is a godsend since it allows brands to have greater visibility and to multiply the possibilities for selling. The difficulty is to provide consistency between all the channels and levers used so that they do not dilute or harm each other, to offer consumers a fluid, simple and effective experience. In addition, in the course, new payment technologies are developed and facilitate online payment such as digital platforms or the pre-registration of bank details. Similarly, in-store payment has also greatly diversified and become paperless with the arrival of contactless and even mobile payment.

How to Fight Against Shopping Cart Abandonment

Decipher these new purchasing paths. The EBG and its partners. Wide and Harris Interactive conducted an unprecedented study from with Sri lanka phone number list and 400 marketing. Digital and e-commerce decision-makers. This barometer. In fact. Is based on two surveys in order to compare the expectations and uses of consumers with the solutions and innovations proposed by professionals. Some essential lessons from this barometer Purchase or search for information? E-shops are considered almost as much a purchasing channel as physical stores… but digital is number 1 for information acquisition.

Phone Number List

Payment Adapts to New Purchasing Paths

All products are mainly purchased in physical stores Customers bought in physical store 98% and in e-shop 81% Customers took information in physical store 62% and in e-shop 85%. In 2017. The share of e-commerce within the retail trade is estimated at 8.5%. A channel that is still a Fresco Data but which is gradually gaining ground: Internet sales generated revenue of 81.7 billion euros in 2017. I.e. Growth of 14.3% compared to last year. In addition. 37.5 million French people buy on the Internet. The trend is reversed when it comes to getting information before buying. The online channel being privileged this time. This search for information prior to the act of purchase is also essential on the Web for 71% of respondents.

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