Marketing Trends for 2015

Content Marketing is Growing Within Content Companies Content marketing has been on the rise in recent years . Beyond a fashion effect, companies and brands understand that they must go beyond their simple offer in a systematic way, and often too push. Internet users demand more and more content and lead brands to consider content strategy as a digital strategy in its own right. In a customer-centric approach, the company must provide all the information and all the content that it more or less consciously requests. Be careful, however, not to think of “content” as “permanent glorification of the brand”. The content must be as diverse as driven by a coherent and original editorial line , specific to the company. Without this unifying breadcrumb, and without a strategy other than.

The Trend for This Year 2015 Is Therefore to Increase

The share of the budget allocated to Content Marketing , allowing the latter to become a permanent part of brand strategies. Beyond this general observation, it is important to reflect specifically on the future of e-commerce sites. The prospects for evolution are no longer so obvious, and despite the desire for establishment in physical stores for Amazon, or theultra-targeting of Rue du Commerce, web merchants Syria B2B List think differently about the structuring and added value of their place . The idea that prevails at the agency is that the e-commerce site must become a magazine-store , built around numerous contents enriching the customer experience and offering rich and abundant information. Linked to these different contents, the products will be all the more highlighted and desirable for the potential consumer.

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This Path of Exploration Combining Content and E-Commerce Sites

Only one path among others. But clearly demonstrates that the future of e-commerce must be considered. And certainly with a strong content dimension. [Tweet “In 2015. Content Marketing is growing within Content companies”] Discover our Editorial Strategy Workshop Inbound logics Fresco Data more integrated Inbound What would an article on marketing trends for the year 2015 be if we didn’t include our core business:Inbound Marketing Admittedly. We are not entirely biased. But it is important to observe several points: Many companies find that some of their digital processes are a waste of time. As a result. Many of them are turning to Marketing Automation.

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